Sunday, November 16, 2008

Himawari Ala Carte buffet dinner

Princess Mama suggested this place for dinner meet up together with carnivore ling.
Poor princess mama ended up eating most of the stuff as she didn't know that carnivore ling and moi are quite picky about food :P
KimchiHotateMixed sashimiSeaweedJelly fishOctopusFried oysterCuttlefish(The above were those that princess mama had to finish basically all by herself...)
Yakitori (not really yakitori taste leh...tastes more like very sweet teriyaki...)Fried prawns (ok)Gyoza (not nice)Saba shioyaki (don't know why they must pour this sweet sauce over shioyaki fish???)Gindara teriyaki (this is good, very fresh)Creamy corn croquette (this is very good as well)Shabu shabu with pork and chicken and udon (not too bad, quite yummy)

Bringing you around this little tropical country of Singapore (and sometimes overseas) in search of yummy food!

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