Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lao Beijing

Steps Prince and Moi decided to take a break from Tuesday's double steps and try out yoga instead haha so that we can age gracefully?? Heehee.
So we ended up in Novena and since the class ends early, we can enjoy a leisurely dinner after that.
Steps Prince recommended Lao Beijing, as Moi was coming down with flu, we ordered the "cooling" soup, 清炖凉瓜排骨汤. Very sweet very yummyThe interior of the restaurant is decorated like those 客站 we normally see in chinese martial arts movie, with big pots of wine waiting to be served to some kungfu master who is on his way to some 武林大会 haha开胃菜 was think some spicy szechuan or pickled vege京酱肉丝 with 白面皮 wrap, very tasty!农家香干煲 which is tofu with spicy gravy in claypot

Bringing you around this little tropical country of Singapore (and sometimes overseas) in search of yummy food!