Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Prime Society

Steps Prince and Moi finally made it there for dinner.
We were actually supposed to dine there around 2 months ago, but we had to postpone the trip twice and nearly for the third time that Moi was seriously doubting whether we will ever get to eat there haha.
The table mat that illustrates the various cuts of the beef
Utensils sealed in an envelope
Peppered calamari
Very very good!

Sirloin steak (medium done) with red wine sauce

Yummy and the fries Moi like ♪

Mushroom pasta

Yummy yummy!

Well, as Shakespeare puts it, the course of true love never did run smooth, so too the quest for yummy food never did run smooth and lucky we went :)

Bringing you around this little tropical country of Singapore (and sometimes overseas) in search of yummy food!